Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Seeking member feedback: Dues

As this wonderful group continues to grow and develop, an occasional expense pops up here and there and we consider other activities/events that may involve some expenses, such as bringing in speakers, organizing "field trips" or retreats, etc.  The officers are again considering the subject of dues and would very much like your feedback.    In the column to the right is a poll -- just under the information on this month's meeting.  Your money and opinion matter, so please indicate your preference.  If you have any questions, please leave a comment below, and we'll get back to you. 

Thanks so much for your input -- Jen, Marcia, Tamara, Cherri, and Joan


  1. 25$ a year seems like it may be tough for some to come up with all at once. . I can't see what we really need money for exactly.
    Retreats would be pay as you go
    we don't pay rent currently

    if we have 40 ladies ( and I think we have much more) times 25$ is 1000$ .... isn't that alot more than we need for postage and phone calls??

    what are your expences? monthly, estimated yearly? Is this what you based this number on? I hate to vote yes to 25$ a year - have some of my favorite friends not continue because its too much for them- only to realize that what's needed is some small fund for incidentals.

  2. Thanks for thee feedback and questions. At this point we are simply gathering information and getting a pulse on what people think. Once the poll is closed we will discuss the results and figure out what is best for the guild! Thanks! Jen

  3. I voted but wanted to comment that I'm having problems sending an rsvp for this week's meeting--I see someone else has also had problems. I'll be there...

  4. I don't think $25 a year is a bad price, especially if we can get some cool speakers, or have an event or something. I do think $2 a meeting is a little easier to do and may actually get more people to drop in that wouldn't normally attend all meetings or want to formally 'join'. If we don't have an immediate need for all of the dues, maybe starting out at a per meeting donation would cover the incidentals. I love the feeling that our group has now, that we are not exclusive, pretty casual, but do some really cool things and still have fun.

  5. IIRC, one of my friends was telling me that her knitting guild lets you attend 2 meetings before committing to joining (ie paying dues).

  6. I am not against the yearly dues and think that $25 is very reasonable. However, because of my schedule I am not able to make it to more than a meeting or two every 6 months. So, for selfish reasons, I like the per meeting costs better.

  7. I was surprised when I joined that we didn't have dues. I think that without dues, the leaders are left to eat assorted expenditures on top of donating their time to plan and coordinate meetings and activities. So I am for dues and for reimbursing officers for out of pocket expenses. However, I strongly object to becoming a guild that devotes half the meeting to a "business" meeting.

  8. If we paid dues, would we be able to "rent" a room somewhere for a Saturday Sewing Day?

  9. Yes Sally that would be one of the ways to spend some of the dues! Just FYI there were several people who indicated the knew of spaces we could rent or use for Saturday sewing. please feel free to email that information at jencarltonbailly at gmail dot com.


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